Tuesday, April 17

Vegetarian Quinoa

I'd say this serves 2-4 people, depending on if you use it as a meal or as a side dish. Personally, just about everything I come across is fine as one or the other, in my opinion, and so I never know how to pronounce 'meal' or 'side dish'. I'll just let the cook decide.
This is also pretty cheap and should refrigerate really well, but I don't know about freezing because I just made it. I should freeze some just to check, I guess.
Considering the ingredients, this has a bit of carbs and natural sugars, and if I wanted something else to go with it, I'd choose tomatoes. Considering I didn't have any, I didn't put any in; cucumbers would also be yummy, but then it starts turning into that quinoa salad you can get at Costco (add a little more vinegar and you're set, I think.)

I also can't tell you how filling it is, because I'm sitting here eating it. On the upside, I am satisfied with the flavor, and I think it would be good hot or cold, which makes it a good meal for year-round use.


Before adding quinoa, put these (chop when necessary) into a saucepan
1 carrot
1/4 red onion
1 celery stick
some ground black pepper
A dash of orange-infused Balsamic Vinegar
About 1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tablespoon of red curry

Cook this on medium-high heat for about ten minutes

Add 1/2 cup of the quinoa, 1 cup of water
A shake of marjoram
A shake of oregano
A little shake of coriander

Bring all of this to a raging boil, then lower to simmer with the lid on until the quinoa is done. It'll become a little transparent (kind of) and you'll see 'threads'. Reminds me of okra, sort of.

Feel free to add a dash of salt. Like I said, it'd be good with some tomatoes and cucumbers, but we ate all those last week. =P

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