Monday, October 31

Information update

I can get things like bar graphs, pie graphs, a rundown of what gave which nutrient or what have you. This makes my future life a little easier (and subsequently more busy) since that's the field I am interested in working in for a while. People go nuts all the time about needing a vitamin or mineral, as instructed by their doctor or nutritionist, but then not knowing where it came from.

However, this means I can give a much more clear understanding of what would be in the average soup. This means you need to look up things on your own if you are scared of doing something like over-dosing on a nutrient because, for instance, you take vitamins or shots or something. So please, again, although my information may become more involved, it's still an estimate. Think of it more as a guideline.

That being said, I have the information on three different recipes but I'm going to have to leave campus soon. I'll get them up as soon as possible but I have no idea when that'll be. Tonight we're going over to visit my niece and nephew for Halloween, and I happen to have a homework sheet I forgot about, so between the two I may not be as applied on this blog as I intended. No matter.

From now on, I will be putting forth as much information -- even if it is miniscule -- as I can about what's found in the foods. I may even add some evidence and shed light on why it's useful through various reputable websites. I will not be making any recommendations or saying that it will keep you from death forever. My soups will not save you from tuberculosis, or anything like that. I wanted to make sure I'm extra super-duper clear on how I'm not, you know, a profession in anything other than the talented skill of bull-shit.

Again, if anyone has any interests or requests, take it up with me. I could use the kick in the pants to becoming a little more busy-body, sometimes.

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